Illinois Broadband Research Conference

This event brings together Broadband researchers from across the state of Illinois. It is open and free to the public, but registration is required. Click here to download conference materials.

Eventbrite - Illinois Broadband Research Conference

Illinois Broadband Research Conference

Thursday, November 29, 2012
University of Illinois at Chicago
Student Center East, 750 S. Halsted, Chicago, IL 60607

8:00-8:40 - Continental Breakfast and Networking

8:40-8:45 - Welcome  
Mr. Drew Clark, Executive Director, Partnership for a Connected Illinois

8:45-10:15 - Benchmarking Illinois Broadband:  Who is Using High-Speed Internet?  Where Are Those Users? What Are They Doing With Broadband?

  • Dr. John Horrigan, Research Director, Partnership for a Connected Illinois; Vice President & Director at Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies
  • Dr. Karen Mossberger, Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs of the College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Mr. Derek Murphy, Vice President of Project Delivery, Strategic Networks Group

10:15-10:30 - Break 

10:30-10:40 - Remarks by UIC Provost Lon Kaufman

10:40-12:10 - Seeding Demand:  How Specific Broadband Initiatives Are Expanding Usage
Moderator:  Dr. John Horrigan

  • Dr. John Lewis, Director, Regional Development Institute, Northern Illinois University, and Joanne Hovis, CTC Technology & Energy
  • Dr. Maryalice Wu, Director, Applied Technologies for Learning in the Arts and Sciences, University of Illinois and Ms. Shavion Scott, GIS Technician & Engagement Specialist at Urbana-Champaign Big Broadband
  • Dr. James Ciesla, Professor, College of Health and Human Sciences, Northern Illinois University
  • Dr. Stephen Rhody, Founding Principal, ASR Analytics
  • Telecommunications Industry Representative*

12:10-1:00 - Box Lunch and Networking

1:00-2:30 - Data-Driven Impact:  Using Broadband Illinois Research for City and Statewide Economic Growth
Moderator: Drew Clark

  • Mr. Mark Harris, CEO, Illinois Science and Technology Coalition
  • Mr. John Tolva, Chief Technology Officer, City of Chicago
  • Ms. Susana Vasquez, Executive Director, Local Initiatives Support Corporation Chicago
  • Representative* from the Medical Industry
  • Representative* from the Energy Industry

2:30-2:45 - Closing Remarks
Mr. Charles Benton, Vice Chairman, PCI & Chairman of the Benton Foundation 

*Invited, subject to change.

People attending the conference can park in the Halsted/Taylor Parking Structure (HLPS), entrance at 760 West Taylor Street or the open parking Lot 4.  Both can be found on the East Side Campus map found here. The parking rates can be viewed here.


Illinois Broadband Research Conference

750 S. Halsted, UIC Student Center East
Chicago, IL 60607

Partnership for a Connected Illinois 201 West Lake Street, Suite 102 Chicago, IL 60606 Phone: (773) 614-1930