PCI Announces Refined Direction

In January 2015, the Partnership for a Connected Illinois wrapped up a massively successful five-year grant from the National Telecommunications Information Administration. Work continued on meeting the objectives of a grant given by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to continue the great work of the federal grant in its sunset.  The Illinois Telehealth Initiative, a self-funded project, launched in March.  With the early and unexpected end of the state funding in April, PCI was forced to examine its future and strategy for continuance.  

PCI is pleased to announce that the Illinois Teleheath Initiative will continue as the organization's main priority.  Led by Director Nancy Kaszak, the initiative seeks to advance telehealth throughout the Illinois. Three forums on the topic of telehealth law, the main obstacle to advancing telehealth in our state, will be held in 2016.  Additional information can be found in the Telehealth section of broadbandillinois.org.

The important work of collecting and publishing broadband data for Illinois has been transferred to the National Telecommunications Association. While the mapping section of broadbandillinois.org will remain active as a resource for Illinois residents, the most up-to-date data will be found on the National Broadband Map.

The Partnership for a Connected Illinois wishes to thank its many supporters and looks forward to continuing to work together to advance telehealth in Illinois.

Tags: Telehealth

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Partnership for a Connected Illinois 201 West Lake Street, Suite 102 Chicago, IL 60606 Phone: (773) 614-1930 telehealth@broadbandillinois.org