Broadband is the pathway to better lives in Illinois. Often referred to as high-speed internet, broadband is the key to economic growth, improved medical care, educational opportunities and safer communities.
Broadband Illinois is working with public and private entities to bring broadband to every corner of Illinois. Broadband investment will make Illinois competitive and improve our quality of life in the following ways:
Tele-Medicine and Tele-Healthcare
Broadband can save lives and lower costs by bringing specialists and medical monitoring equipment to your community and your home. Rural areas are benefiting from technological innovation.

Economic Opportunity
Broadband enables American businesses, workers and communities to think big and grow bigger. Investment in broadband makes our communities and state more attractive to companies that depend on technology. Broadband means new markets, new opportunities and more jobs!
Broadband investment will help eliminate regional disparities in education and help Illinois lead the world in educational innovation by supporting 21st century teaching and learning. Our universities will have the capability to reach more students and lead the world in research.
Energy & the Environment
Broadband will bring next-generation energy solutions and unleash energy innovation in homes and businesses. Businesses and consumers will be able to reduce power consumption through a modernized power grid, thereby saving energy and helping the environment.
Government Performance
From city hall to the U.S. Capitol, government can be more efficient and transparent, and better serve the American people by relying more on broadband.
Civic Engagement
Broadband can increase public access to government information and provide new ways for citizens to participate in their democracy and community.
Public Safety
Broadband will help save lives and make our communities safer. Emergency personnel can respond more quickly and medical personnel can transmit vital information, thereby saving lives and making our communities safer.
Partnership for a Connected Illinois
Partnership for a Connected Illinois (Broadband Illinois) works to connect citizens with the resources necessary to expand broadband throughout the state. One of our principal approaches for accomplishing this goal is to bring people together, from all parts of the state, who are interested in broadband and who wish to work to expand broadband opportunities.
In September 2010, dozens of federal broadband stimulus recipients gathered together in Springfield, Illinois, to celebrate the receipt of more than $351 million in federal, state and private investment for building infrastructure and frontline programs to eliminate the digital divide. That assembly not only brought together award winners, but also activists, stakeholders and interested parties from the southern tip to the northern most points of the State. It was Broadband Illinois' first state-wide meeting and was held in conjunction with the Governor's Broadband Deployment Council reorganizing meeting.