Apply for Broadband Innovation Fund

Applicant entity

Key contact information

Estimated project budget
Project details
  1. Describe your vision for using broadband in your project. (500 words max)
  2. How is your proposal innovative? (250 words max)
  3. How will the Broadband Innovation Fund enable your proposal to innovate more effectively? (250 words max)
  4. List your efforts to stimulate: education/learning, healthcare, agriculture, economic development, energy-efficiency, public safety or eGovernment. (500 words max)
  5. How do you plan to publicize and raise awareness for your program? (250 words max)
  6. Describe the background and experience of your team. (500 words max)
  7. Can your program engage network providers and economic development officials? (250 words max)
  8. How do you propose to measure progress toward achieving the goals of your proposal? (250 words max)
  9. How can others generalize from the model in your propsal? (250 words max)
  10. Provide your proposed budget and proposed timeline. (no word limit)
  11. If you were to send a Tweet about your application, what would it say? (140 chars max)

Partnership for a Connected Illinois 201 West Lake Street, Suite 102 Chicago, IL 60606 Phone: (773) 614-1930