The Partnership for a Connected Illinois (PCI), is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Springfield, Illinois. PCI’s mission is to maximize broadband’s impact and use, especially in providing access to healthcare through telehealth. The deployment and adoption of high-speed internet services and information technology will result in enhanced healthcare for the people of Illinois. Continued progress in the deployment and adoption of high-speed internet services and information technology is vital ensuring that Illinois remains competitive and continues to create business and job growth.
Working with other organizations, PCI provides education throughout the state on the ability of telehealth to improve access to healthcare and improve the quality of healthcare. PCI has focused many of its educational activities on identifying and serving underserved communities. PCI also recognizes local leaders who have used telehealth to care for these communities, many of whom address the concerns of underserved populations. Since 2018, PCI has focused much of its activity on the issues specifically facing Illinois youth who are not receiving needed behavioral health care. PCI conducted a demonstration project in five Chicago public schools on the use of telebehavioral health to address this lack of service. PCI works with local school and health care leaders to develop its programs. This proposal would allow PCI to launch pilots throughout the state exploring models that schools can use to supplement existing behavioral health services available to K-12 students.
Illinois Telehealth Law and Policy Forums. Since 2016, PCI has presented Illinois Telehealth Law and Policy Forums examining the telehealth landscape in Illinois and the broader Midwest. Over 2,200 people have attended these Forums. These Forums are designed by a Program Planning Committee of close to 60 people including lawyers, health care providers, insurers, professional organizations, trade associations, telehealth vendors and hospital systems. The Forums discussed over 50 topics listed on our website. http://www.broadbandillinois.org/Program-and-Agenda.html The Forums provide education and networking opportunities for organizations interested in telehealth. The Forums feature interactive panel discussions on the current legal and regulatory environment for telehealth in Illinois, reimbursement trends and opportunities, and telemedicine delivery and business models. Many of these Forums addressed health equity issues.