
One core mission of the Partnership for a Connected Illinois is to conduct and inventory research on broadband infrastructure, adoption and use. The Partnership for a Connected Illinois conducts different kinds of research.

"Measuring Broadband in Illinois"

As part of its responsibilities for mapping the internet inventory in the state, PCI analyzes data to better understand broadband supply. Additionally, national studies are applied to Illinois and tested against our landscape of broadband use. PCI has partnered with the Illinois Institute of Rural Affairs and the Strategic Networks Group to launch a comprehensive broadband demand survey across multiple sectors, and in households in Illinois.

"Other Broadband Research"

Utilizing a work-in-progress referred to as the “research matrix,” PCI has classified important national broadband studies into adoption and impact, infrastructure, and national purposes. Although these studies are nation-wide, or focused on other states, they are important to learning lessons for Illinois. 

Partnership for a Connected Illinois 201 West Lake Street, Suite 102 Chicago, IL 60606 Phone: (773) 614-1930