Technology Bridging Rural Healthcare Gap

A Quincy counseling service is developing a network of remote locations in west-central Illinois with the hope of reaching more than 130,000 people with health and educational services.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has awarded Chaddock of Quincy $194,223 toward establishing the network. Chaddock — which provides treatment to children and families dealing with trauma, neglect, attachment issues and serious behavioral concerns — is paying about $75,000. Other agencies are contributing about $22,000.

By creating a conferencing hub, Chaddock will be able to connect to outreach sites in the six-county region it covers. Cameras and audio equipment will allow for real-time counseling and discussions with doctors and mental health professionals.

“The primary purpose is to provide mental health services for children and families living in the rural parts of the six counties we serve,” according to Matt Obert, director of operations at Chaddock. “Our main headquarters are here in Quincy and that’s where a lot of our mental health professionals work. We get lots of calls and requests for services and sometimes those families find it difficult to take time to travel to Quincy.”

The network will allow those in Brown, Cass, Pike and Schuyler counties — as well as Adams and Hancock — real-time access to counselors and also to doctors at Blessing Hospital in Quincy, with whom Chaddock works.

Initially, equipment will be placed at United Methodist churches in Beardstown, Pittsfield and Rushville. Although Chaddock is not owned by the United Methodist Church, it was established in 1853 as a ministry of the church and maintains a strong association.

The network will have potential for services beyond mental health, Obert said. During the year that went into planning, organizers made sure there was room to use the service for health care.

Chaddock also will be working with the Brown County school district in piloting efforts that would extend the network into classrooms, opening the potential for such things as teacher education or virtual field trips. Community uses could include offering distant learning courses.

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