Public safety
The "Public Safety" section features articles and updates about how broadband technologies give emergnecy services and first responders new tools to communicate at all times and without delay to save more lives.
- Press Release: NTIA Announces Second Phase of Funding for State and Local Implementation Grant Program
- NTIA Press Release, Mar 23, 2015
- NTIA releases second installment of FirstNet funding
- FirstNet: Is Opting Out an Option?
- Adam Stone, Government Technology, Dec 2, 2014
- Myriad factors and unknowns cloud the question for now
- Internet of Things Helps Buffalo, Other Cities with Snow Removal
- Brian Heaton, Government Technology, Nov 19, 2014
- Boston, Minneapolis and Buffalo are some of the municipalities harnessing the power of GPS sensors and machine-to-machine communication to modernize snow removal practices.
- How Illinois Counties Overcame the Barriers to Next-Gen 911
- David Raths, Government Technology, Nov 17, 2014
- Policy and legal issues prove more challenging than technological ones but southern Illinois counties prevail.
- Can Technology Improve Policing?
- Government Technology, Nov 5, 2014
- New survey results show that citizens want more technology in the hands of law enforcement.
- Law Enforcement Agencies Turn to Technology to Ease Distractions
- Government Technology, Oct 6, 2014
- A consolidated system allows officers to use hand pads similar to joysticks that can be programmed to activate a car’s radio, lights, siren and public address system — often without…
- GIS will become the ‘hero’ of 911, says APCO panelist
- Jill Nolan, Urgent Communications, Sep 2, 2014
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS) may serve a minor role in legacy 911 systems, but it will be an integral part of next-generation system. The sooner 911 professionals realize this and start…
White House Innovation Day Highlights Disaster Response, Recovery
- Elaine Pittman, Government Technology, Jul 30, 2014
- Emergency managers converged with the tech community to discuss tools that can create more resilient communities.
$7 Billion Public Safety Communication: States Get Ready for Planning Grants
- Layton Olson, Jul 3, 2012

- Now’s the time to get ready to plan the best uses of public safety communication investments. Summer-fall is the time for states, regions and communities to get ready for planning so-called…
Next Generation 9-1-1 project files to operate In Illinois
- Tri-State Media, Feb 16, 2012
- Next Generation 9-1-1 Systems utilize current communications technology to connect callers and their location information to the 9-1-1 professionals, who in turn dispatch needed services in emergency…
Public-Safety Broadband Network Could Generate Thousands of New Jobs
- National Journal, Sep 13, 2011
- President Obama’s jobs bill could move legislation aimed at freeing up more spectrum for wireless broadband technologies and building a national broadband network for public safety.
- 9/11 Demonstrated Need for National Broadband Network
- Huffington Post, Sep 10, 2011

- A New York Senator says 9/11 demonstrated the need for a nationwide broadband network that would enable first responders to communicate across jurisdictions.
Fiber-Optic Conduits Open Possibility for Surveillance Cameras
- Decatur Herald & Review, Sep 10, 2011
- The Decatur city council recently approved the installation of fiber optic conduits throughout the downtown area, which could be used to hook up surveillance cameras.
Facing Tempests in Today's World: Preparing for Disasters Large and Small
- Layton Olson, Aug 22, 2011

- In creating "safe and healthy" communities, Federal, state and local public safety and health communities and service organizations get stronger, more intelligent and accurate in communicating with…
Obama's jobs bill includes something for wireless
- CNET NEWS, Jul 28, 2011
- President Obama included authorization for incentive wireless spectrum auctions and spectrum reallocation for public safety as part of his American Jobs Act.
- Illinois Legal Aid Online Celebrates 10th Anniversary
- Apr 14, 2011
- Non-profit organization celebrates access to justice through the use of technology.