FCC Announces Public Testing of First Television White Spaces Database

Julie Knapp, Chief, FCC Office of Engineering and Technology wrote about the new tests on television white spaces database:

White spaces are unused spectrum between TV stations and are considered prime real estate because signals in this band travel well, making the band ideally suited for mobile wireless devices. Unlocking this valuable spectrum will open the doors for new industries to arise, create American jobs, and spurr new investment and innovation. 

The availability of spectrum for unlicensed devices has fueled a wave of innovation and new businesses based on technologies such as as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, DECT cordless phones, baby monitors, RF ID, smart utility meters, and many others.  This new unlicensed spectrum is powerful platform for innovation and in turn, experimental use, holding rich potential for further investment in the development of new technologies and services such as "Super Wi-Fi", wireless broadband networks, video devices, and machine to machine communications, among others.   

Click here to read more about the FCC's trial of a TV white spaces database.

Tags: database, FCC, jobs, spectrum, super wi-fi, television, white spaces

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