Southern eTeam news
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Gov. Quinn Awards $1.5 Million to Carbondale Area as Part of Gigabit Communities Challenge
- Nathan Woodside, Aug 26, 2013
- Gov. Pat Quinn announced on Friday that the Carbondale area will receive a $1.5 million boost to build an ultra high-speed broadband infrastructure.
Broadband in the News: Lt. Governor expands virtual legal clinic
- Annie Thompson, Jun 10, 2013
- CARBONDALE – May 24, 2013. Lt. Governor Sheila Simon announced the expansion of her virtual legal clinic program to The Cairo Women’s Shelter today. The program connects survivors of…
4SIWI Provides Wireless Service to Southern Illinois
- Aaron Facemire and Roxana Ryan, Jul 18, 2012
- “We started at my Uncle’s kitchen table,” said Ceci Perry Uban of For Southern Illinois Wireless Internet’s (4SIWI) humble beginnings.
4SIWI started out as a plan to build…
Connecting Southern Illinois with Opportunities Since 2006
- Roxana Ryan, Jun 14, 2012
- The twenty southernmost counties of Illinois have been focused on broadband as an economic development tool since 2006. ConnectSI, a foundation dedicated to fueling these rural economies through…
Spotlight on NewWave Communications
- Mar 20, 2012
- Recent news from NewWave Communications as featured in the March 20th, 2012, newsletter.
Next Generation 9-1-1 project files to operate In Illinois
- Tri-State Media, Feb 16, 2012
- Next Generation 9-1-1 Systems utilize current communications technology to connect callers and their location information to the 9-1-1 professionals, who in turn dispatch needed services in emergency…
Illinois Awarded $520,000 USDA Grant for Rural Health Needs
- Nov 26, 2011
- Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack awarded Illinois with $520,000 to assist in bringing innovative health measures to medically underserved residents. The project will serve the southernmost …
Four Illinois telephone utilities to receive over $71 million in U.S. Ag Department funds to build, expand and improve broadband in rural areas.
- Nov 16, 2011
- Telephone utilities in 18 states will receive nearly $500 million in U.S. Agriculture Department funds to build, expand and improve broadband in rural areas.
- Wabash Telephone Co-op to receive $21.8 million from the USDA for rural broadband expansion
- Aug 25, 2011
- Wabash Telephone Cooperative has been notified it will receive an Infrastructure Loan Award of approximately $21.8 million from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Rural Utility Service to expand…
This week on the Illinois Channel: SIU President Glen Poshard shares insights on how broadband may shape higher education in Illinois
- Jul 13, 2011
- From Southern Illinois University in Carbondale: we hear an address by SIU President Glenn Poshard where he shares his insights as to how broadband…
- This week on the Illinois Channel: Graham Richard discusses broadband's impact on the economy of a community
- Jul 13, 2011
- This week on the Illinois Channel: From Southern Illinois University in Carbondale we hear from Graham Richard, the former Mayor of Fort Wayne, Indiana, who embraced …
- Bringing Millions of Dollars for Broadband to Southern Illinois
- Tara Davlin Holcomb, Jun 24, 2011
- With nearly $250 Million in Federal and State funds going toward building high-speed broadband networks across Illinois, we hear a panel discuss how this could change the way we operate our schools,…
- Video clip of President Glenn Poshard speaking at the Broadband Summit available
- Tara Davlin Holcomb, Jun 24, 2011
- SIU President Glenn Poshard speaks on the accomplishments of improving high-speed Internet access in Southern Illinois, during a regional summit Thursday at SIU Carbondale.
- Building the Gigabit State in Southern Illinois
- On Broadband, Jun 2, 2011
- By Drew Clark
CARBONDALE, Illinois, June 2, 2011 – Boiled down to its bare essentials, a major research university like Southern Illinois University here needs three things to prosper: good…
- National Experts to Convene at Broadband Summit in Carbondale on June 2
- May 20, 2011
- Local, state and national leaders will convene at the Illinois Broadband Summit on Thursday, June 2 at the Southern Illinois University Student Center in Carbondale. The public can attend in person,…
- Clearwave Launches Website and Newsletter
- May 3, 2011
- Illinois Broadband Opportunities Partnership awardee Clearwave Communications launches website and offers newsletter about project located in southern Illinois.
- Economic Development Conference to focus on Regional Internet Project
- Mar 11, 2011
- The 16th annual Southern Illinois Economic Development Conference will be held on March 17th at the John A. Logan Conference Center in Carterville, Illinois from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM. The conference…
- Cooperative Fiber: Bringing Broadband to Rural Illinois
- Ed VanHoose, Oct 14, 2010
- When you hear the word “fiber” you probably think about your last doctor’s visit, but these days there’s another meaning for the word. In the world of broadband Internet,…
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