West Central eTeam news
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Western Illinois Technology Summit Scheduled for Jan. 23
- Nathan Woodside, Jan 16, 2014
- Western Illinois Technology Services Inc. will host a third annual technology summit on Thursday, Jan. 23, at Sullivan & Son Auction, just south of Carthage on Highway 336.
- Macomb Food Co-op Launches Online Marketplace
- Rich Egger, Tri States Public Radio, Aug 8, 2013
- The Macomb Food Co-op plans to soon offer locally produced meats, eggs, and produce through an on-line market.
“We will be offering this service in September, hopefully. It takes six to eight…
MTC Communications Boosts Agriculture Education at WIU
- Nathan Woodside, Jun 11, 2013
- Learning capabilities at Western Illinois University’s School of Agriculture has received a major boost thanks to MTC Communications.
Warren County Virtual Museum to Merge History, Technology, Community
- Nathan Woodside, Jun 3, 2013
- Technology, history and education will converge in Monmouth with the creation of the Warren County Virtual Museum, powered by an open-source web application.
Webinar: Meet the Illinois Broadband Innovation Fund Awardees
- Nathan Woodside, Feb 14, 2013
- Broadband Illinois conducted a webinar this week showcasing four of the 14 Illinois Broadband Innovation Fund Awardees.
MTC Communications Expands Ultra High-Speed Infrastructure in Western Illinois
- Roxana Ryan, Jan 23, 2013
- Bill Buchanan leads the Colchester-based MTC Communications team. In addition to providing high-speed internet and other services throughout Western Illinois, MTC is also a Broadband Innovation Fund…
Monmouth Plans Virtual Museum with Broadband Funds
- Jan 15, 2013
- The city of Monmouth is moving forward with design plans for a virtual museum, thanks to the Illinois Broadband Innovation Fund.
Mid Century Telephone Builds Fiber to Recreational Community
- Roxana Ryan, Dec 6, 2012
- Broadband Illinois interviewed Brenda Soland, Commerical Manager at Mid Century Telephone Cooperative about a new fiber expansion to the resort community of Oak Run and other happenings at the North…
Sandburg College Tops in Digital Education
- Oct 25, 2012
- GALESBURG, IL - Carl Sandburg College has been named the national champion in the small colleges category of the eighth annual Digital Community Colleges Survey by e.Republic’s Center for…
A New Era of Learning
- Lainie Steelman, McDonough County Voice, Sep 12, 2012
- West Prairie High School students, teachers adapt to use of iPads in class
Lt. Gov. Sheila Simon seeks input on rural issues
- Doug Wilson, Herald-Whig Senior Writer, May 22, 2012
- Lt. Gov. Sheila Simon has seen common themes and subtile differences in how rural Illinois communities list their priorities.
As she prepared for a listening post in Quincy on Thursday, Simon said…
Spotlight on Cass Communications
- May 17, 2012
- Recent news from Cass Communications as featured in the May 17th, 2012, newsletter.
Spotlight on McDonough Telephone Cooperative
- Apr 4, 2012
- Recent news from McDonough Telephone Cooperative as featured in the April 4th, 2012, newsletter.
- West Central eTeam hosts Technology Summit, plans events for Spring
- Apr 4, 2012
- The Western Illinois Technology Services Group, a subgroup of the West Central Illinois eTeam, hosted a full-day Technology Summit in Carthage this January.
Broadband on schedule - Effort moves into Sterling and Fulton
- Jan 20, 2012
- Organizers say they are impressed with the progress of work crews laying in new fiber optic cable for the large-scale broadband project in this region, and that favorable weather in December and…
Four Illinois telephone utilities to receive over $71 million in U.S. Ag Department funds to build, expand and improve broadband in rural areas.
- Nov 16, 2011
- Telephone utilities in 18 states will receive nearly $500 million in U.S. Agriculture Department funds to build, expand and improve broadband in rural areas.
CenturyLink offers Internet classes for low-income
- The Register-Mail, Oct 23, 2011
- CenturyLink Inc. is introducing CenturyLink Internet Basics to improve and promote broadband adoption and use by low-income consumers in Galesburg.
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